Инновационные технологии


Инновации лежат в основе философии RAK Ceramics. Компания является пионером в плане внедрения высокотехнологичных инноваций, являющихся прорывом в отрасли, таких как крупноформатная плитка, система печати, цифровая печать, полупрозрачные плиты, растворимые соли и антибактериальные глазури.

Raised floors

Антибактериальная революция

RAK-Sanit – это комплексное решение, включающее в себя коллекции керамогранита и керамической плитки, снижающих бактериальное загрязнение и способствующих созданию более здоровой среды обитания и комфортной работы за счет антибактериальных свойств соединения нитрата серебра. При создании антибактериальной коллекции настенной и напольной плитки RAK-Sanit использовалась антибактериальная технология – материал, нанесенный на поверхность плитки. Как только бактерии вступают в контакт с поверхностью плитки, под воздействием ионов серебра запускается цикл очищения. Ионы серебра, расположенные на антибактериальной поверхности плитки, связываются с ферментами, белками, клеточными мембранами и ДНК микроба, повреждая ДНК и блокируя размножение, что приводит к гибели микроорганизма.

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ANTISLIP BAREFOOT PLUS for indoor and outdoor application

The Antislip Barefoot + technology gives porcelain tiles excellent non-slip performance and a pleasant feel, with a special roughness imperceptible to the touch. With their technical characteristics that increase the safety and functionality of floors, t hey are ideal for indoor and outdoor applications for both commercial and residential settings.

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5 stars performance
5 stars performance

extremely versatile surfaces

With a dedicated production technology able to deliver the most modern high-performing surface solution, a new variety of full-body porcelain stoneware is created. These tiles are produced using the most modern system and quality materials resulting in an extraordinary natural, high-performing variety of porcelain tiles with unique characteristics and limitless applications.

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Heat adaptive technology
on porcelain tiles

Klima is a new-generation ceramic tile that can absorb and repel heat according to individual needs, thanks to the special materials used during production. When applied to indoor flooring, Klima retains room heat and releases it o ver the entire surface, producing a warmer feel than a standard floor. When installed on outdoor flooring, Klima repels the heat from sunlight, resisting high temperatures. As a result, even with significant sun exposure, the surface is not burning hot , and the floor remains cool and pleasant to walk on with bare feet. On ventilated façades, Klima helps limit heat dispersion while maintaining a steady indoor temperature. Klima tiles are suitable for indoor and outdoor applications, for flooring or external walls, to achieve maximum comfort with minimum energy impact.

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Raised floors

3D texture, surfaces, and colours in unique materials

3D Shape is an innovative technology that combines realism and aesthetic perfection into a tile. Each surface has varied depths and three-dimensionality, creating a visual play of 3D texture and colour, perfect for adding movement to walls and floors in interiors and exterior environments.

5 stars performance
Raised floors

Environmentally sustainable surfaces

Orbit 3Rs is one of the latest innovations created by RAK Ceramics R&D laboratories which produces sustainable and highperformance tiles that contributes to the reduce, reuse and recycle concept. The tiles are manufactured with up to 95% recycled materials from wastes generated during the manufacturing process of ceramic tiles. Orbit 3Rs tiles meet the architectural requirements of environmentally sustainable and durable products, making them ideal for new construction trends and tailoring private homes for both outdoor and indoor environments.

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Extra matt, zero gloss surfaces

Absolute Matt is the most recent innovation developed by RAK Ceramics R&D laboratories, which takes the concept of matte to new heightsby enabling tiles to achieve an extra-matt surface; with zero reflection and a completely non-glossy finish. Absolute Matt enhances the tile’s natural texture and durability, satisfying any design project’s aesthetic and functional requirements.

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5 stars performance
5 stars performance

THROUGH BODY VEINS Porcelain tile that is as real as natural marble

Through-Body Veining is RAK Ceramics’ innovative breakthrough in reproducing natural marble and stone veins that pass through the thickness of the porcelain slab’s body. This technology gives porcelain slab a unique design feature, having a consistent marble veining, from the surface to the body until the base - a total synchronization.

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Translucent tiles for special environments

Light becomes a design tool in the hands of the designer with the Luce translucent slabs, which enrich any environment thanks to its backlighting technology. It is an absolute novelty that will inspire creativity. With its varied graphics and colours inspired by the most precious marbles and onyx, plus its exceptional feature of transmitting light through, Luce is the perfect solution for sophisticated commercial and residential applications.

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Raised floors
5 stars performance

High definition structures using digital technology

Sync Effect is a technology that creates highly defined tiles through embossed graphics and material structure on smooth and textured surfaces. The material merges with the body of the tile to create unique and realistic designs, rich in detail and depth.

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features flakes in the body of the slab

One of the most recent innovations of RAK Ceramics Innotech lab is FlakeSet. Innovative collections like Flake Stone, feature flakes in the body of the slab, thanks to the new FlakeSet technology. The process starts by getting flakes from atomized color body powder. The flakes are blended with the raw clay, which is then molded and fired at high temperatures to ensure the flakes are evenly distributed and firmly set. Perfect for countertops and visible tile edges, FlakeSet technology redefines elegance by beautifully emulating the look of natural stone, now seamlessly integrated throughout the tile.

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Raised floors